Friday, April 6, 2007

Ye gods and little fishes

Right, so I figured I should probably say something about myself. I am graduating this May from Mass Art in Boston Ma. I currently live among the struggling musicians and "ya dudes" of Allston, loving the fact that I can never recognize what I step in. I one day hope to be enveloped back under the soft/comparatively safe wings of Academia, where I will pursue a Media and/or sociology Masters. My current short term goal is to get a real job and find my creative spirit once more (although, I harbor the deep suspicion that my cat has dragged it under the couch to chew on it)... In my free time I enjoy reading good fantasy novels (by Terry Pratchett), reading bad fantasy novels (by everyone else), watching really gruesome murders (real and fictional), and DIY crafts. If you look you can often find me haunting various dark rooms in Allston or hiding in the nearest comic/book store.

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